Indica Voucher Enquiries

Thank you for your interest in purchasing a Gift Voucher at Indica.

Unfortunately vouchers are no longer available.  Vouchers are legally valid for 3 years and as we do not know what the future holds, we want to avoid disappointment to anyone that doesn’t use their voucher in time.
If you would like to book a loved one in for a surprise, you can do so and pre pay their treatment. If they need to change their appointment it will be held as credit until their next visit. 

If you have a voucher yourself, that’s great! Give us a call on 08 83525454, send an enquiry, or leave a message in the chat box to make a booking.

– The Indica Team

Terms and Conditions
After 12 months, vouchers are valid for the dollar amount they were purchased for and not the service. Vouchers are not valid with special offers. Beyond 3 years, all gift vouchers are deemed redeemed.

Refund and Returns Policy
Gift Vouchers cannot be redeemed for cash or products, but may be passed on to someone else, or exchanged for another service of the same value. No refunds will be given on Gift Vouchers.

Cancellation Policy
In the event you need to reschedule an appointment, we require 24 hours notice.  Failure to do so will result in any deposits or gift vouchers attached to the booking being forfeited.